Friday, October 11, 2013

Should Nintendo become a third party publisher?

It's time to talk about Nintendo again!

Mama mia! Somebody told-a Mario he's not numbah 1!

Last time I talked about Nintendo rehashing. You can find that article here.
This time around I'll be countering the argument:

"The Wii failed and the WiiU is failing Nintendo should go 3rd party."

First off I have no idea how anyone could say the Wii failed. I can understand that the console attracted a lot of shovelware and not every gamer appreciates its library, but that is a far cry from the system failing. The Nintendo Wii has sold over a hundred million consoles world wide while its competitors both sold eighty million of their respective consoles. It is true that the Wii's hardware sales have drastically slowed down since the release of the WiiU, but to call it a failure when it actually is the best selling home gaming console of the last generation is just silly.

Another question is why do people think the WiiU is failing? Everyone says the system had a poor launch. How is it that the WiiU had a poor launch? Compared to the 360 and the PS3 the WiiU has actually had the best launch selling around four-hundred and twenty-five thousand systems in its first month. The 360 sold three-hundred and twenty-six thousand while the PS3 sold one-hundred and ninety-seven thousand consoles. So in its first and second months the WiiU was actually performing better. Though it is definitely true the WiiU took a significant dive in sales afterwords. Selling on average only fifty-five thousand systems for a few months. Though the WiiU is already on its way to a recovery. With releases like Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 the Wii U has more than doubled its sales in certain regions. Currently the WiiU sits around three-million and six-hundred thousand consoles sold.

It is a fact that the system is recovering and it should also be noted that the WiiU has come into an era that is much more difficult. The video game industry has been on a gradual decline in overall sales since 2006. That and the WiiU is competing against the already established systems from the previous generation. In a exclusive poll surveying 1,297 people, 64% of respondents said they would not be purchasing a new video game console this holiday season, according to Reuters.
Though we all know that with enough good software any console can be pushed. It seems to be a commonly accepted fact around the internet that the WiiU will rise in sales with more first-party releases like Mario and Zelda. You have seen my previous articles showing off the new trailer for the new 3D Mario game. Well if you haven't just click here.

Now the Wii was a giant success and the WiiU is already on its way to recovering. This isn't Nintendo's first system to come out and stat off with initially poor sales only to become a top-seller later. Let's not look back at the Wii, instead lets turn our eyes to the 3DS. Nintendo's latest hand-held series has become a must-have system and has been the top selling console in the US for four months consecutively. With a price-cut and dramatic boost to its first-party titles the console is well on its way to overcoming its predecessor. Worth noting the DS was almost the top-selling console ever created, but didn't quite manage to steal that title from the PS2. If the 3DS carries on as it is than the system will surely take the 'top-selling console of all time' crown.

Oh and have I mentioned, at the time of this writing, Poke'mon X and Y have just released? This series once saved the Game Boy from near death and now they'll only be adding to the 3DS's enormous success. The local EB games have told me that the new Poke'mon games are the most anticipated titles for the store this year. With over 900 pre-orders. So powerful is the name of Poke'mon that a hundred thousand 3DS XL systems sold, within hours, at Amazon Japan when the limited edition Poke'mon hand-helds were released.

Persoanlly I'm having a really hard time seeing how Nintendo is failing as a company. What do you think?

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