Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The site has moved!

Berathen now has it's own paid web hosting. But like it's had its own domain for years now.
How did you get here?

Well you defy science and nature. More importantly if you want to see my new gaming articles, programming tutorials, and game development for Berathen Spirit detective you need to go here:

Friday, October 11, 2013

Should Nintendo become a third party publisher?

It's time to talk about Nintendo again!

Mama mia! Somebody told-a Mario he's not numbah 1!

Last time I talked about Nintendo rehashing. You can find that article here.
This time around I'll be countering the argument:

"The Wii failed and the WiiU is failing Nintendo should go 3rd party."

First off I have no idea how anyone could say the Wii failed. I can understand that the console attracted a lot of shovelware and not every gamer appreciates its library, but that is a far cry from the system failing. The Nintendo Wii has sold over a hundred million consoles world wide while its competitors both sold eighty million of their respective consoles. It is true that the Wii's hardware sales have drastically slowed down since the release of the WiiU, but to call it a failure when it actually is the best selling home gaming console of the last generation is just silly.

Another question is why do people think the WiiU is failing? Everyone says the system had a poor launch. How is it that the WiiU had a poor launch? Compared to the 360 and the PS3 the WiiU has actually had the best launch selling around four-hundred and twenty-five thousand systems in its first month. The 360 sold three-hundred and twenty-six thousand while the PS3 sold one-hundred and ninety-seven thousand consoles. So in its first and second months the WiiU was actually performing better. Though it is definitely true the WiiU took a significant dive in sales afterwords. Selling on average only fifty-five thousand systems for a few months. Though the WiiU is already on its way to a recovery. With releases like Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 the Wii U has more than doubled its sales in certain regions. Currently the WiiU sits around three-million and six-hundred thousand consoles sold.

It is a fact that the system is recovering and it should also be noted that the WiiU has come into an era that is much more difficult. The video game industry has been on a gradual decline in overall sales since 2006. That and the WiiU is competing against the already established systems from the previous generation. In a exclusive poll surveying 1,297 people, 64% of respondents said they would not be purchasing a new video game console this holiday season, according to Reuters.
Though we all know that with enough good software any console can be pushed. It seems to be a commonly accepted fact around the internet that the WiiU will rise in sales with more first-party releases like Mario and Zelda. You have seen my previous articles showing off the new trailer for the new 3D Mario game. Well if you haven't just click here.

Now the Wii was a giant success and the WiiU is already on its way to recovering. This isn't Nintendo's first system to come out and stat off with initially poor sales only to become a top-seller later. Let's not look back at the Wii, instead lets turn our eyes to the 3DS. Nintendo's latest hand-held series has become a must-have system and has been the top selling console in the US for four months consecutively. With a price-cut and dramatic boost to its first-party titles the console is well on its way to overcoming its predecessor. Worth noting the DS was almost the top-selling console ever created, but didn't quite manage to steal that title from the PS2. If the 3DS carries on as it is than the system will surely take the 'top-selling console of all time' crown.

Oh and have I mentioned, at the time of this writing, Poke'mon X and Y have just released? This series once saved the Game Boy from near death and now they'll only be adding to the 3DS's enormous success. The local EB games have told me that the new Poke'mon games are the most anticipated titles for the store this year. With over 900 pre-orders. So powerful is the name of Poke'mon that a hundred thousand 3DS XL systems sold, within hours, at Amazon Japan when the limited edition Poke'mon hand-helds were released.

Persoanlly I'm having a really hard time seeing how Nintendo is failing as a company. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Does Nintendo just rehash the same ideas?

I want to talk about Nintendo.

More specifically,
I want to talk about how people are saying Nintendo is failing as a company.
There's two arguments I want to counter. The argument I'll be countering today is:

'Nintendo is failing because they keep making the same Mario game over and over again.'

I'm arguing against this. I'm gonna list off all the platforming Mario games Nintendo has made in the
past few years. I'll be excluding the Party, Puzzle, Racing, RPG, and Sport games. Those games are ideas that differentiate from the platformers so they don't hold relevance here. But if you really think Mario and Sonic at the Olympics coming out every year is causing Nintendo to fail I simply ask you to turn your eye over to Madden or FIFA.

Anyways In 2006 Nintendo releases New Super Mario Bros(DS) and Super Princess Peach. May I mention that Super Princess Peach is an amazing game and brought a lot of interesting elements to platforming Mario games. I'd love to see more things from Peach games, but I highly doubt that'll happen.

In 2007 there's Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy. Neither of these games are similar to the titles from the previous year. Super Paper Mario being a strange blend of 2D and 3D platforming mixed with RPG elements and then you have Super Mario Galaxy which most closely resembles Sunshine which came out on the GameCube in 2002.
That's right the next real 3D Super Mario game came out five years after its predecessor.

In 2009 we get New Super Mario Bros Wii. A sequel to the DS game from 2006. This is the first platforming Mario game to allow simultaneous four player co-op play.

In 2010 we get Super Mario Galaxy 2. It's been 3 years since the last 3D Mario game. And my goodness is this game such an improvement over the last. The difficulty is really ramped up, a bunch of new mechanics are thrown in, and the level design is much improved. Out of every platformer game I've ever played nothing even compares to Galaxy 2, not even its predecessor. It's a game you just have to play if you consider yourself a platforming fan.

In 2011 Super Mario 3D Land appears. While being a 3D Mario game Super Mario 3D Land plays nothing like Galaxy 2, though there are definitely some borrowed elements. Rather than flying around in space and traversing unique worlds with interesting minigames we instead have a game that is much more like a traditional 2D Mario game, but in 3D. For the most part the levels are pretty linear well in comparison to Galaxy 2. This game featured a lot of short challenging levels with a much bigger emphasis on platforming than exploration.

In 2012 we get both New Super Mario Bros WiiU and New Super Mario Bros 2(3DS). Three years since the last 'New Super Marios' game we get one for each of Nintendo's new systems. New Super Mario Bros WiiU boasts the new 'Boost Mode' via the WiiU gamepad allowing up to five players at the same time. Though the game has new abilities and baby yoshis for the mushroom crew to use I personally found much more interest in the game's coin rush and challenge modes. With the addition of the Super Luigi U DLC the game became even more interesting by making levels designed around Luigi's properties.

In 2013 we'll be getting Super Mario 3D World. This game looks and sounds amazing. Did you hear the jazz in the new trailer? And best of all that trailer put away any worries that the game was just a 3D land rehash. The game is on a much larger scale with deeper level design which is something that makes me very happy. Though taking a leaf from Super Luigi U each of the game's characters will have their own unique properties with some segments in the game requiring you to take advantage of that to complete all of the objectives. Not to mention this is the first 3D platforming Mario game that will be featuring four player multiplayer.

If you really think all of these games are the same rehashed ideas with 'running and jumping' and that I'm just nit picking to find differences why don't we look at another franchise? I'm thinking Call of Duty.

Call of Duty 2(360)-2005
Call of Duty 3(360/PS3)-2006
Call of Duty MW(360/PS3)-2007
Call of Duty: Roads to Victory(PSP)-2007
Call of Duty World at War(360/PS3)-2008
Call of Duty MW2(360/PS3)-2009
Call of Duty Black Ops(360/PS3)-2010
Call of Duty MW3(360/PS3)-2011
Call of Duty Black Ops2(360/PS3)-2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified(PSVita)-2012
Call of Duty Ghosts(360/PS3/Xbone/PS4)-2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Keep your eyes posted!

I'm getting back into the online world alongside getting back into development of Berathen Spirit Detective. Expect lots of updates on the game, my thoughts on the gaming industry, and other interesting tid bits in the near future. I'm actively trying out twitter and tumblr to hopefully raise awareness for my game. I might even hit up youtube!

I'd also like to thank everyone who helped advertise my indiegogo campaign and donated. I can't tell you how nice it was to have all of your support. I hope I can make you all proud!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Poke'mon Seeker (Game Idea for GameCarrerGuide Challenge)

Alright so here is my game idea for the Wii U Game Design Challenge. The challenge is to design a system-selling game for the Nintendo Wii U console to boost sales. I need to make people feel a unshakable desire to own the WiiU. I can incorporate Nintendo's franchises and characters, but it needs to feature a unique game with original ideas.

Here we go.

Chris "Venks" Dunson, Berathen Games

First off it is my belief that no single game can 'save' the WiiU. With more quality titles to choose from, buying a WiiU will become a more attractive prospect.

Poke'mon Seeker

Explore various environments in the Poke'mon world in striking high-definition.

In Poke'mon Seeker you play as a young Rare Seeker in the brand new Kisaka region. Rare Seekers are Poke'mon Trainers that accept missions to find and capture the most rare and exotic Poke'mon. Rare Seekers use their Seeker gadgets and employ the unique abilities of their Poke'mon to solve puzzles, avoid feral Poke'mon, and capture their elusive prize.

While featuring classic stadium modes like Poke'mon Colliseum and Poke'mon Battle Revolution this game features a single player mode that hopes to capture what it truly means to live in a world with Poke'mon. There will be six different evironments to explore. Each environment will have segments initially blocked off that can only be unlocked by finding the right Poke'mon to navigate pass that specific obstacle. Along with your missions to obtain rare Poke'mon in each region the player will also have optional side missions where you can help out Poke'mon Trainers by sharing your map or pictures to help them locate specific Poke'mon.

The game will primarily play using the WiiU Gamepad. The game will take advantage of the two screens with two different Seeker gadgets. The first gadget is the Seeker Map. The Seeker Map will place down tiles for every area you've explored, but it doesn't take note of anything in the area. Using special tiles and annotations you can place with the GamePad's stylus you can point out areas to avoid such as wild bug Poke'mon nests and places to come back to such as Poke'mon drinking grounds.

The second gadget is the Seeker Camera. The player has three cameras they can place in stragetic locations to have eyes all around the habitat. As you explore you can switch the WiiU Gamepad's screen between any of the cameras so you can view what is currently happening in the area. So if you find fresh tracks of the rare Poke'mon you're trying to find its a good idea to quickly look through the various cameras to see if the Poke'mon is nearby. Then you can switch to the Seeker Map and use tiles to indicate the rare Poke'mon's typical walking route.

Additional Features:

*Use the GamePad's motion control in conjunction with your Poke'mon for puzzle solving.

*Connect with the 3DS to upload Poke'mon from your copy of Poke'mon X or Y to use in your hunt for rare Poke'mon.

*Show off your rare Poke'mon in various modes including Multiplayer. You can have traditional Poke'mon Battles against 3DS users or all grab Wiimotes to try your hand at fun mini-games.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Freedom Planet Kickstarter

Freedom Planet is described as Megaman, Sonic, and Gunstar Heroes all combined in an explosive cartoon adventure with full voice acting and intense boss fights! The Kickstarter project has already succeeded before the deadline which is February 14th. This game is very similar to Sonic as far as the bulk of the level design comes into play, but a lot of the enemies are similar to opponents you may have faced while playing Megaman or Gunstar Heroes. If you like any of these games I highly suggest you take advantage of this unique offering.

Check out the free demo here.
Alternatively you can investigate the Kickstarter page and video here.

In the demo you'll be playing as Lilac and Carol. Lilac is the purple heroine of the game. While both characters operate fundamentally the same they do have their differences. Lilac's main form of attacking is a swipe from her hair. Which I have to say isn't too impressive. Though to make up for it she is quite talented at moving through the air. When your energy bar is full she can perform a hectic air dash (think Ristar if you've ever played it). Also when jumping off of walls Lilac can perform a hair twirl to glide in the air.

Playing second fiddle is Carol who I personally enjoyed much more. This little green creature has a few nice things to differentiate herself from the main heroine. First off her main attack is a swipe from her claws. What makes this so nice is that her claw attacks combo into each other and aren't as slow as Lilac's hair attacks. Secondly at the cost of some energy Carol will perform a multitude of kicks that remind me of a certain chinese girl in Street Fighter. These kicks are really powerful and can be used to take out the bigger enemies without too much trouble.
Carol doesn't have any options to move around in the air like Lilac. Our green platformer can, however, perform wall jumps which allow her to take more direct routes and solve puzzles differently. Lastly when Carol comes across fuel she'll hop onto a motorcycle and race across the level. This motorcycle injures enemies it collides with and can even drive up walls. Now tell me that isn't cool?

Terrich Portrait Art!

What do you guys think of seeing art like this as Terrich questions a witness in game? Does it scream murder mystery detective to you? Or do you get more of that exorcist or spirit vibe? Of course there will be a lot more poses for Terrich then just this, but anyways what do you guys think?